

Learn about the Requirements of Donation Store


Donation Store has been created to run on your own server. While most of the install has been automated, you must read the documentation throughout this docs site. As you are installing it on your server, you will be managing/administrating it, meaning you should know how to control it. Note that you will be installing it on your server so you should have basic Linux experience. If you manage your game servers, this will be sufficient experience.

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Server OS

Right now the advised OS is Ubuntu at v18.04 or v20.04. v16.04 has some issues with repositories and considering it is at the end of it's life, we don't recommend using it.

CentOS will also work perfectly fine, however the setup script uses apt to install a lot of packages on the machine. We are currently in the process of creating an CentOS specific setup script.

OS Version Supported Notes
Ubuntu 16.04

It has been reported that some dependencies aren't available in repositories on 16.04


Debian 9

Requires extra repositories (explained below)

Requires extra repositories (explained below)

Debian Setup

As Donation Store requires Python 3.8, you will need to retrieve it from the Debian Bullseye testing repository. To add that repository run the following:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa

Now when you run the setup it will pull the dependencies from that repository


The setup script will install most of the dependencies for you, all you need installed on your server is:

  • Python 3

Some versions of Ubuntu will come with 3.8 installed and some will come with other versions of Python 3. As Donation Store installs all of the dependencies and the Python version that it requires within it's own Virtual Environment, you don't need to change the system version of Python. You just need any version of Python 3 to run the initial setup and the script will do the rest. To make sure you have any version of Python 3 installed, run


Once you have confirmed Python 3 is installed, you can continue to the next step.

Note that while the setup script will install a database driver (what allows Donation Store to connect to your database), it WILL NOT install the database itself. If you are using MySQL or Postgres, the database will have to be already installed somewhere and running. If you are using SQLite, (as it is a file based database) it will automatically created by the setup script.

Downloading the Files

If it is your first time installing Donation Store, it is advised that you use the setup script to perform all of the install for you (more on this in the install guide). However, if your migrating or updating, you can download the files directly from the Donation Store website.

When installing Donation Store, it must be installed in the home directory of your server. To easily retrieve the setup script, navigate to your home directory and get the files:

cd /home
wget https://donationstore.us-ord-1.linodeobjects.com/legacy/setup.py

Now that you have successfully downloaded Donation Store, please continue the setup by following the Installing Donation Store doc.

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