
Installing the App

Learn how to install the core Donation Store app on your webserver


This doc will explain how to install the application on your server. If you have not read the requirements and downloaded the files as mentioned in the requirements doc, please do so now as there is vital information on how to get your server ready for the install.

Information about the Setup Script

The setup will dowload and install the application for you on your server using Nginx and Gunicorn. If you use a different web server like Apache, you will have to manually configure it. Note, it WILL NOT install a database for you. Unless you plan on using SQLite, you must have MySQL or Postgres installed and running on a machine. You will be asked for database details by the script which you should fill in.

Running the Setup Script

For versions before 2.6, prior to running the setup script, you will need to install the requests package using pip by running the following command:

pip3 install requests

The setup script HAS to be run as root or with root privileges.

Navigate to your home directory and run the script with Python, using:

cd /home
python3 setup.py

It will ask you for details throughout which you need to provide information about.

cd /home
sudo apt-get install build-essential
source /home/donationstore/env/bin/activate
pip3 install mysqlclient
python3 /home/donationstore/env/manage.py migrate

Running Donation Store

The above setup script creates a Donation Store daemon that runs it and it's dependencies. It has already started Donation Store, however you can use the following commands to control Donation Store if you need to.

service donationstore start
service donationstore stop
service donationstore restart

Side Notes

Please ensure that you never run Donation Store on a production server in DEBUG mode. This can be changed in the settings.py file found in DonationStoreV2/settings.py. By running the application in debug mode you are exposing information to the public about the inner workings of your application. DO NOT DO THIS.

By default, debug mode is turned off, however if you have certain things you need to view for testing, it can be turned on, but not on a production server viewed by customers.

Next Step

After the above steps you can now visit your application and follow the steps to start setting up your first webstore/creating your admin account. You can do so by visiting: yourdomain.com/install/.

After that has been complete, please read the Setting up Your First Webstore Doc as it has crucial information on how to setup your sub domain etc.

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