Donation Store V2.0.1-BETA Update Released

The Update
Two weeks ago I announced and released that Donation Store is now available for pre orderers to download. Since then a lot has happened in terms of finding issues with the core application. These issues have been fixed and it is with great pleasure I can announce Donation Store V2.0.1-BETA for pre orderers (release notes/changelog below).
In the coming few weeks I hope that there will be only a couple more releases/patches for pre orderers, at that time we can move to a full public release. We will let you know in advance when that is so make sure you are signed up here to get updates.
With the new release, I've also updated our documentation's structure, look and overall feel. I feel it is more inline with what we want to achieve. I'm also in the process of updating the actual content of the documentation to be more concise and in depth so we are ready for the public release.
Anyway that's pretty much it for this update, if you have any questions for me personally, please email me at [email protected], otherwise, for any sales, partnership queries etc., please use our support ticket system here. Please note if you are a pre orderer reporting bugs, any requests made outside of our ticket system WILL BE IGNORED.
As always, you can join our Discord channel to get quick real time updates, I'm on there most of the time so I can answer your questions there too. Our Discord can be found here.
Release Notes/Changelog
App Changelog
- Error causing logins from not being allowed to stores because UUIDs fixed
- Custom 500 error page describing what went wrong added in order to not rely on Debug mode
- Webhook link to tutorial fixed
- Links at bottom of Control Panel footer fixed to redirect to new website
- Quill added as default text editor application wide. Can be seen in the category and package descriptions, homepage message, terms and conditions, email note and payment complete page.
- Added custom "Source" mode to Quill meaning you can switch between writing HTML and the WYSIWYG editor
- Issue with Hyperlink in WYSIWYG removed due to moving to Quill
- Links on locked page updated
- Problem with the tutorial whereby it would be set to incomplete when webstore settings updated issue removed
- Problem with not being able to change the name of a connected server and a link on the server page
- When updating SMTP information, it would make Donation Store require a fresh install. Fixed so information can be updated without this problem
- Removed issue with 2FA
- Fixed issue where when voiding or un-voiding giftcards an error was thrown even though the status of the cards changed
- Fixed issue where the favicon on the control panel and store was pointing to the old site
- Delete Package button had name "Delete Product", changed to "Delete Package"
- Fixed issue where the first command added to a package was being ignored when the package was either created or edited
- Problem whereby you weren't able to edit the header of a module fixed
- Issue where user permissions couldn't be added fixed
- Unused templates missing
- Fixed issue where taxes and other things were locked to a certain IP
Other Changelog
- Revamped Docs at
Mark Barrett
First comment! :P
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Stefano Haagmans
Second comment :O
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