Donation Store V2 Released to Pre Orderers

Hey Everybody,
Like always, I want to start this blog post with a quick introduction, then get into the main part of the post.
As the title suggests, yesterday, November 10th 2019, Donation Store V2 was released to pre orderers. The main purpose of this is to gauge the demand for the product on the API side so that we can figure out how we are going to vertically or horizontally scale. We also did this to allow for a select few of our customers to act as beta testers, showing us bugs that we may have missed ourselves.
The Response
As we released, we have had pre orderers complete their order and install the application on their server. The main responses so far have been good. We have obviously ran into some bugs that the customers have reported, but we are working hard to eliminate these as quickly as possible.
Most of these bugs will be released in release candidates like V2.0.x-BETA, whereby the major releases will be in V2.1, V2.2 etc.
Pre Ordered?
If you have pre ordered, then you are able to complete your pre order and start installing Donation Store effect of immediately. To start, either open a ticket with that as the subject or message me on Discord personally and I can get it setup. We do ask that you remember this is the initial beta of the product and we do expect some bugs to be present.
Public Release
The public release is still unscheduled, however we will let you know in advance with a date we feel it would be appropriate to release. Right now we are just trying to ensure that all the bugs we find from our pre orderer customers are eliminated and also that our servers can scale with this. We hope to release the pro subscription and also the support and upgrade access alongside the public release.
The Future
After the public release, we will be monitoring Donation Store closely for infrastructure improvements we have to make but also bug fixes. These will be released as they are needed. This will be an ongoing effort. Once we are happy that the public release is stable, we will be concentrating our attention on our next product that we have been prototyping and designing in the background for some time now, which will compliment Donation Store. Of course this will be announced a lot further down the line.
As always, when released to the public, we will take feature requests and will try to implement them into the core product as soon as possible based on their demand.
Anyway that's pretty much it for this blog post, if you have any questions for me personally, please email me at [email protected], otherwise, for any sales, partnership queries etc., please use our support ticket system here. Please note if you are a pre orderer reporting bugs, any requests made outside of our ticket system WILL BE IGNORED.
As always, you can join our Discord channel to get quick real time updates, I'm on there most of the time so I can answer your questions there too. Our Discord can be found here.
Mark Barrett
First comment! :P
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Stefano Haagmans
Second comment :O
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